
Web Development - Bootcamp

Dr. Angela Yu 是一位非常棒的老師,
課程豐富之外,不時會鼓勵學習者要Keep going!

The Complete 2022 Web Development Bootcamp
Become a Full-Stack Web Developer with just ONE course. HTML, CSS, Javascript, Node, React, MongoDB, build real projects

學習進度 (依照課程順序)

  • 前端開發
    • HTML Done
    • CSS Done
    • Bootstrap Done (CSS Framework)
    • JavaScript Done
    • DOM Done (Document Object Model)
    • jQuery Done (JavaScript Library)
  • 後端開發
    • Hyper Done (The Unix Command Line)
    • Node.js Done (Back-End JavaScript Runtime Environment)
    • Express Done (Web Framework for Node.js)
    • Nodemon Done (Restart Server Automatically)
    • body-parser Done (Body Parsing Middleware)
    • Postman Done (Platform for building and using APIs)
    • MailChimp Done (Try request and response from APIs)
    • Keroku Done (Cloud Platform as a Service - PaaS)
    • Git and Github Done (Version Control System)
    • EJS Done (Embedded JavaScript Templating)
    • SQL Done (Structured Query Language)
    • MongoDB Done (NoSQL - Non SQL / not only SQL)
    • Mongoose Done (Library connects between MongoDB and Express)
    • RESTful Done (Representational state transfer)
    • OAuth 2.0 Done (open standard for access delegation)
  • 前端框架 React (Front-End JavaScript library)
    • JSX Done (JavaScript Syntax Extention)
    • React - Components & Props Done
    • React - State & Lifecycle Done
    • React - Handling Events Done
    • React - Hooks Done

練習範例 (版權所有:The App Brewery)

  • TinDog Done (設計layout)
  • Dicee Done (更新網頁來擲骰子)
  • Drum Kit Done (用鍵盤來打鼓)
  • Simon Game Done (一種記憶遊戲)
  • NewsLetter Done (訂閱電子報)
  • Todolist Done (待辦事項,切換代辦事項/home,架站:Heroku & 資料庫:MongoDB)
  • Simple Blog Done (簡易網誌,撰寫進入點/compose,架站:Heroku & 資料庫:MongoDB)
  • Keeper Done (記事條,前端框架React,架站:Heroku)
網頁的知識真的非常有趣又實用呢 :) 希望學習完後能應用在生活與工作中 ~